Ah! Welcome to my humble abode!

No, seriously. Here is a place you can come to seek out any and all advice about college

in the most down to earth and humble way possible. From ways to plan your study sessions, to how to locate free ice water on campus with lightning speed- I am at your service.

It has now been two weeks since the college fall semester has started here at APSU.

How did you do?

I’m guessing it looks sort of like those back-to-school memes, huh? Or maybe it looks sort of like you are plopped down in the Sahara Desert inhabited by ferocious animals with two things:

  1. No idea of what “D2L” is.
  2. Knowledge that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

You won’t need water or a source of food, kids. You have the mitochondria notes on D2L to save you.

No worries, I have some good news:

Most college kids, whether experienced or new, always have an estimated two and a half weeks time when panic is at an all time high, acne is at a very alarming percentage of face occupancy, and there are at least two bottles of ibuprofen handy for those migraines. You are NOT alone. This hideous beginning of the year phase will pass, and you will rise from the Sahara with a newfound confidence and planner that you bought from Target this morning.

Sorry, not sorry.

Since you have made it this far, here is the first tip I will leave you with:

  1. Regardless of social stigma, run a bubble bath, put on a face mask, and drink a glass of sparkling grape juice. Because you are killing it my friend, reward all your hard work.


Until the next adventure…