Flooding in the area behind the Marks Building, otherwise known as the Marks Bowl in the afternoon May 9. Photo by Abigail McKenna | THE ALL STATE.

As a result of the severe weather conditions that stretched from May 7 to May 8, Austin Peay State University sustained numerous damages across the Clarksville campus. Namely, there was damage to skylights and roof panels along with localized flooding. 

According to an email from the VP of Finance and Administration Shahrooz Roohparvar that was sent to faculty and staff, “the recent severe weather has caused significant damage to several campus buildings, including the Foy Center, Morgan University Center, Sexton, Jenkins, Claxton, and Sundquist.”

This damage was largely a result of the hailstorm, which also affected several staff vehicles. Contractors have already begun the process of assessing and repairing the damage.

Further information about repairs and potential closures will likely be released in the coming weeks. In the meantime, Roohparvar asks “If you encounter unsafe conditions or notice additional damage, including to University-owned vehicles, please report it immediately to the Physical Plant by submitting a work order or calling 931-221-7424.”

Most of the flooding occurred in the Raymond C. Hand Baseball Park and the area behind the Marks building, sometimes called the Marks Bowl. As of today, the water in the baseball field has fully drained while there is still a substantial collection of water in the Marks Bowl. 

The goal for now is to manage the flooding and focus on emergency repairs. 

An important warning was issued in the email, stating “To those who need to use University-owned vehicles for their duties, please exercise caution.  If the vehicle has damage that obstructs visibility, compromises safe operation, or involves broken windows, do not use it.” 

While nobody was harmed in the course of the storm, it is vital to remain safe when handling unexpected and potentially dangerous conditions on campus.

“As we work to restore normal operations, please remain vigilant and prioritize your safety by following any advisories from our Department of Public Safety,” said Roohparvar.

A later email issued to faculty and staff offered information regarding potential scams when dealing with personal property damage. It listed the following pointers to help avoid being taken advantage of:

·         Ask for ID, licensing & insurance proof

·         Get multiple estimates and references

·         Never pay full amount up front

·         Get everything in writing

·        Verify insurance claims directly

·         Look up local reviews for the contractor

As suggested in this email, any suspected repair scams should be promptly reported to law enforcement or the state attorney general’s office.

“By staying vigilant, you can avoid falling victim to those seeking to profit from this disaster,” concluded the email.