News, SGA SGA could replace ‘Green Man’ SGA will hear discussion on a resolution to replace the 'Green Man' statue on Wednesday, April 13. Sean Mccully Posted on April 13, 2016
Featured, Features, Uncategorized Meet new SGA Vice President Ankit Patel Junior health and pre-med major Ankit Patel said he is excited to have been elected as vice president of the Student Andrew Wadovick Posted on April 17, 2015
News, SGA Gillman vetoes equal representation acts, SGA debates committee enforcement During the Student Government Association meeting on Wednesday, April 1, President Zac Gillman vetoed two acts, the Senate Sarah Eskildson Posted on April 8, 2015
News, SGA Will Roberts elected SGA president, students rock vote Chief Justice Will Roberts was elected as the new Student Government Association president at the ratification ceremony on Sean McCully Posted on April 3, 2015