Each generation is different, and we experience all the changes and challenges the world offers. However, not all people appreciate the new things of today. Right now, it seems some older generations are criticizing or pointing out the ways and behaviors of the newer generations.

Yes, we are living in a digital age where the Internet and smartphones rule most of the world. People who grew up with them use them as a part of daily life. Some people who lived in older generations may not like this change.

One example is how older generations have mixed thoughts on Millennials. According to the BBC article by Amanda Ruggeri, older generations thought of newer generations as “too cautious and yet downright dangerous, too worried about the world and at the same time too self-absorbed to care…” There are some that thought of them as lazy or that they were too caught up with media.

Not only that, but there is negativity from Millennials on the newest generation, Generation Z. On Ruth Umoh’s article on the CNBC website, millennial workers or managers are concerned about Gen Z stepping in their new jobs because they think they might be too hard to train or new technology would stand in the way of their work. These workers or managers who are criticizing young adults may have taken inspiration from older generation bashing on Millennials in the workplace.

This needs to stop. New generations do not deserve to be stereotyped by older generations just because they are living in a changing world. New technologies like social media or the Internet help young adults to connect with the world and aids them with work and hobbies.

Graphic | Shania Green

These generations are also working daily on helping to change the world and making it better by creating new inventions and making lives more secure and connected. Look at Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, and David Karp, creator of Tumblr, and how they are making social media taking the world by storm.

While some people think of Millennials or Gen Z as lazy and irresponsible, there are Millennials and Gen Z kids who are earning or have earned degrees in their professions. They also work well in professional jobs and businesses.

The reason why younger generations are being shamed might be because the older generations are trying to teach young adults to live like the older generations did and ignore the present. There can be some solutions to stop the hate: teaching managers or workers to deal with younger generations. If an older generation, including the Baby Boomers, Generation X, or even Millennials now, collaborate with younger generations in the work force, the strong stereotypes between them can eventually fade.

Another thing is that people from old generations need to know that their children or grandchildren are living in a world that is rapidly changing. Of course they are going to rely on modern technology on important things like looking for directions or taking notes. This kind of changing would grow if newer generations are to come, so past generations would need to prepare themselves to accept it.